Saturday, June 5, 2010

Popeye the Sailor

From 1935, this old book of Popeye comic strips was in with things that Ray's mom had. In looking at the cover, I see that Popeye has a dress on. Guess I should leaf through the book and see why he is wearing a frock. He is still a tough guy!! Looks as if Ray embellished this page with some of his artistic endeavors. I thought at first that Bill, our son, may have done it, but we didn't have this when Bill was a little guy. He really did a lot of drawing and actually is very talented. When he was in grade school, he drew so many funny guys with warts and cigarettes, etc., and also great automobiles. In his college years, he was drawing cartoons featuring Chuck Roast. Although his dad didn't advance in his artwork much, Bill must have inherited the urge to embellish books and draw funny guys and cars from his dad. So nice to run across something like this little look into the past. (Click to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. Cross dressing Popeye? Wow! That's a keeper. I can hear him lolling along doing his usual humming unaware the Bluto is about to come after him. Great fun!
