Friday, September 16, 2011

Poscard Friendship Friday

I found this old postcard on line - this is the city park in Chillicothe, Ills. (strange abbreviation) way back in 1909.  Chilli's main business district is two blocks long with stores on each side along Second Street - it has been that way forever.  Then the full block to the north on the left side of the street was the park with a sidewalk going around it and one diagonally through the middle.  The Rock Island tracks were to the west and the depot across from the northwest corner of the park.  I can remember carnivals being held there when I was young.  Carnivals were never my favorite thing - the merry-go-round, tiltawhirl and very mild rides were all I wanted to take.    Heaven forbid I would go on a ride that turned you upside down.  I have also never been on a roller coaster and have no desire to do so. 
Lacon is a town about ten miles north of Chillicothe.    I hope you all have a Happy PFF!  And, thanks, Beth, at  for being our gracious hostess.  It is almost my favorite time of year - autumn.  There was frost on the roof around here this morning.  Time to think about buying some pumpkins and mums!  (Click to enlarge)